Get Involved!
Stakeholder involvement is a major priority for the TSDS project. Learn how you can be part of the process of designing, testing, and implementing TSDS.
Get Involved!
TSDS can help ease the data collection burden on local education agencies (LEAs—Texas school districts or charter schools), and it can put critical data in the hands of teachers.
- YouTube
- For more information about TSDS, contact TEA
Teachers, LEAs, and ESCs
- Staff of adopter LEAs can support their organization's implementation of the TSDS PEIMS (visit the Deployment section for details)
- Take advantage of TEA, ESC, LEA, and vendor Training
- Explore online TSDS learning via Texas Education Gateway
- Contact your ESC's Advisory Committee members for information and participation opportunities
Community Members
Explore TEA's education data repository, TPEIR, to learn more about the education data collected in Texas
- Take advantage of Training opportunities designed specifically for vendors
- Explore the resources on our Technical Resource page
- Adopt TEDS standards today!
- Contact TEA for questions or guidance
- Develop an implementation project plan with your LEA clients and meet with them monthly to keep everyone up to date