In the Vendor Guide – the central source for information about what you need to do to make your local data collection systems TSDS compatible
What Is TSDS?
TSDS is Texas' new education data collection system.
It replaces and expands on PEIMS EDIT+, and its goal is to improve and standardize the data collection and data management process in the State of Texas and equip educators with timely, actionable, and historical student data to drive classroom and student success.
This guide is part of a larger collection of resources for vendors and LEA staff in the Technical Resources section of this site.
How Does TSDS Affect Vendors?
As a vendor, you may be involved in any of the following:
- Supporting your clients' adoption of TSDS
- Ensuring your product is able to provide PEIMS extracts that comply with the new XML-based Texas Education Standards (TEDS)
- Supporting use of TSDS PEIMS, Core Collection, Unique ID, and any other components of the TSDS system
- Participate in TSDS Training
How Will TSDS Be Implemented?
Because TSDS is a large, multi-functional system with a Texas-wide user base, TEA is rolling it out to the local education agencies (LEAs—Texas school districts and charter schools) in phases. TSDS will be implemented incrementally across LEAs, with all LEAs migrated over to TSDS in the 2016-17 school year (visit the Deployment section for details).
Please refer to the Technical Resources section for more information to start planning updates and enhancements to your systems.
For More Information…
To learn more about the TSDS initiative:
- For further technical information, see the Technical Resources section of this site
- For general implementation information, visit our Next Steps with TSDS page
- To learn how to implement or use the new system, take advantage of TSDS Training opportunities
- Explore the history of the TSDS initiative and the TSDS Project Archives
- For additional help, visit our Frequently Asked Questions or contact TSDSCustomerSupport@tea.texas.gov