FAQs – Unique ID

Education Service Center-Specific Questions

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Can LEA staff monitor TIMS/JIRA tickets?

LEA staff will be able to check the status of a TIMS/JIRA ticket and access the Knowledge Base. 

Please describe the roles of the Unique ID champions, Dashboard Champions, and PEIMS Data Champions? When will training be provided for the PEIMS Data Champions and Dashboard Champions? How many people will be allowed to attend this training?

ESC Unique ID Champion – Subject Matter Expert (SME) on the TSDS Unique ID System. Responsible for training and supporting LEAs within their region on Unique ID.

ESC Dashboard Champion – SME on the TSDS studentGPS® Dashboards. Responsible for training and supporting LEAs within their region on the dashboards. 

ESC PEIMS Champion – SME on TSDS PEIMS. Responsible for training and supporting LEAs with their region on TSDS PEIMS.

ESC Technical Champions – Appointed member that is responsible for training and supporting LEA Data Stewards on how to work with their source data vendors to ensure they data is properly loaded into the Operational Data Store (ODS).

For more details, see the ESC Champions list in the Deployment section of this site.


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